The Burning Heart

The Burning Heart

Wolfe, a Baltimore City firefighter, is crushed when his half brother, Larry, is found dead, floating in the Loch Raven Reservoir. Larry had lost his way years ago and had earned his living by being a professional thief. Wolfe wants to know who killed his brother. Silver is a private investigator from London. She’s been hired to find the missing art treasure that the Nazis claim was destroyed years ago. It resurfaces in a private collection. Larry recognized it, stole it, and secreted it to the United States. Wolfe and Silver, a private investigator hired by an insurance company try to find the painting while exploring their growing attraction to each other.

The Burning Heart

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Product Details

Author: Brenda G. Bradley
Publication date: April 26, 2019
File size: 2262 KB
Word Wise: Enabled
Print length: 108 pages
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Language: English
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #2,220,630 in Kindle Store

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